• 30%

    of students surveyed by the SHOP identified with being basic needs insecure

  • 25%

    higher likelihood of students withdrawing from the university before graduating due to struggles with basic needs such as food, housing, and medical care

Helping You Succeed

"Sloss holds the space.  The community fills it."

The Sloss Resource Room contains a satellite location of the SHOP with shelf-stable food items, parenting supplies and personal care items. 

Support comes from ISU Student Government, GPSS and individual donors who contribute.


Resource Room Hours Spring '25: Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays 10-3.  Or email slosscenter@iastate.edu
Donated food

Want to get involved?

If you or someone you know is interested in helping with the Resource Room, please reach out to the Sloss Center by contacting slosscenter@iastate.edu.

If you are looking to donate supplies to the Resource Room, we are currently accepting the following donations:

  • Rice
  • Any spices, especially cumin, chilis, paprika, onion powder, pepper, and turmeric
  • Diapers of any size and wet wipes
  • Hair care products for textured hair
  • Toilet paper

Donate funds: The Sloss Resource Room ha s a dedicated ISU Foundation Account so 100% of your donations goes to provide students with basic necessities.

Shop from our wish list: Not sure what to purchase? We have a variety of items listed on our Amazon wish list.

Volunteer: Volunteer opportunities are in development. Please contact us at slosscenter@iastate.edu to learn more.

The Sloss Resource Room receives support from ISU Student Government, GPSS, and individual donors. Many thanks for the generous support that makes this resource possible.