Want to get involved?
If you or someone you know is interested in helping with the Resource Room, please reach out to the Sloss Center by contacting slosscenter@iastate.edu.
If you are looking to donate supplies to the Resource Room, we are currently accepting the following donations:
- Rice
- Any spices, especially cumin, chilis, paprika, onion powder, pepper, and turmeric
- Diapers of any size and wet wipes
- Hair care products for textured hair
- Toilet paper
Donate funds: The Sloss Resource Room ha s a dedicated ISU Foundation Account so 100% of your donations goes to provide students with basic necessities.
Shop from our wish list: Not sure what to purchase? We have a variety of items listed on our Amazon wish list.
Volunteer: Volunteer opportunities are in development. Please contact us at slosscenter@iastate.edu to learn more.